
Links and Resources

Organic Trade Association
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is a membership-based business association that focuses on the organic business community in North America.

USA Dry Pea & Lentil Council
This website is a great source of information of general interest about peas, lentils, and chickpea production in the US, as well as details about the nutritional profile, health benefits, and culinary uses for these legumes.

Eighth Wonder LLC
Eighth Wonder offers nutritious and unique heirloom rice grown by a cooperative of indigenous Philippine farmers on centuries-old terraces. A great economic and environmental project resulting from 30 years of dedication by Montana native and former Peace Corps volunteer Mary Hensley. Mary works out of the Timeless offices in Montana and shares our warehouse.

Alternative Energy Resources Organization (AERO)
For over 30 years, this Montana-based grassroots organization has been a leader in sustainable renewable energy, alternative agriculture, and community development.

Montana Organic Association (MOA)
The trade and educational organization for Montana’s diverse and vibrant organic community.

Montana Organic Certification Program
Web page for Montana’s Department of Agriculture certification program.

Organic Consumers Association
Nationwide voice for organic consumers.


Lentil Underground Project Report, summarizes the activities and events taking place during the first year of publication of The Lentil Underground, by Liz Carlisle.

Lentils: Gems in the Treasure State, published by Montana State University, shows how lentils can help make Montana strong, proud, and independent again.