

If you are a store or restaurant looking for our products, please contact the wholesale distributor in your area. If you are not served by one of these, notify us of your favorite distributor, and we will contact them about serving you with our fine products.


Heather Lewis, Sales Manager
Office: 406-866-3340 x6


Frontier Natural Products Co-op, Tel: 319-227-7996, Norway, IA 52318, www.frontiercoop.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Line
Grocery and Natural Food Stores
Online, Ships Nationwide

Gordon Food Service EPO (Extended Product Offering) , Tel: 616-530-7000, Grand Rapids, MI 49509, https://www.gfs.com/en-us
Timeless Natural Food Selected Bulk Line
Restaurants and Food Service
Online, South Central, South Atlantic, Mid Atlantic, New England, North Central Midwest

Pacific Northwest, Alaska, Hawaii

Crown Pacific Fine Foods, Tel: 425-251-8750, Kent, WA 98031, www.cpff.net
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Line
Grocery and Natural Food Stores
Seattle to Portland, Alaska, Hawaii, and Mail Order

Milepost 65, Tel: 425-788-6426, Woodinville, WA 98072, www.milepost65.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Line
Food Service, Grocery and Natural Food Stores
Pacific Northwest, Nationwide, and Mail Order


Renaissance Specialty Foods, Tel: 650-873-5400, San Francisco, CA 94080, www.renaissancespecialtyfoods.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line
Grocery and Natural Food Stores
Greater Bay Area

World’s Best Cheeses, Tel: 800-477-5262. Alameda, CA 94502, www.wbcheese.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line
Grocery and Natural Food Stores
Greater Bay Area

Pacific Gourmet, Tel: 415-641-8400, 1-888-652-9252, San Francisco, CA 94124, www.pacgourmet.com
Timeless Natural Food Bulk Line
Food Service and Mail Order
Northern California

Gourmet Merchants International, Tel: 310-808-0960, Gardena, CA www.gmidist.com
Timeless Natural Food Bulk Line
Southern California


Western Montana Growers Co-op, Tel: 406-493-0859, Missoula, MT 59802, www.wmgcoop.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Line
CSA Customers,

Quality Food Distributing, Tel: 406-551-2231, Bozeman, MT 59719, www.qfdistributing.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Bulk Line
CSA Customers, Natural Food Stores, and Food Service

New England

Associated Buyers Warehouse, Tel: 603-664-5656, Barrington, NH 03825, www.assocbuyers.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Items
Natural Food Stores, Food Service, and Buying Clubs
Greater New England

New York

Finger Lakes Farms, Tel: 315-257-0063, Seneca Falls, NY 13148, www.ilovenyfarms.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Items
Grocery and Natural Food Stores, Food Service, and Buying Clubs
Upstate New York and New York City

Ace Natural, Tel: 718-784-6000, Mount Vernon, NY 10550, www.acenatural.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line and Selected Bulk Items
Natural Food Stores, Restaurants, and Institutional Food Service
New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania

Ace Endico, Tel: 845-940-1501 or 914-347-3131 or 212-517-3035, Brewster, NY 10509, www.aceendico.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line
Natural Food Stores, Restaurants, and Institutional Food Service
Downstate New York, New York City, Newark, and Jersey City

World’s Best Cheeses, Tel: 800-WB-CHEESE, Armonk, NY 10504, www.wbcheese.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line
Grocery and Natural Food Stores
New York, New Jersey


International Gourmet Foods, Tel: 703-569-4520, Springfield, VA 22153, www.igf-inc.com
Timeless Natural Food Retail Line
Restaurants, Gourmet Markets, Buying Clubs, Caterers, and Bakeries
Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and parts of West Virginia, Delaware, and Alabama

Inter-Mountain and Southwest

Tap Root Coop, Tel: 719-588-8245, Mosca, CO 81146, www.taprootcooperative.com/
Timeless Natural Food Retail and Bulk Line
Natural Food Stores, Restaurants, CSA Members, and Food Service

La Montanita Co-op, Tel: 505-217-2010, Albuquerque, NM, 87107, www.lamontanita.coop/
Timeless Natural Food Selected Bulk Line
Natural Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Service
New Mexico